SexyShana published: My First Porn Shoot
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My first porn shoot was approximately eight years ago. I had been a cam model, still am, and prior I did reviews for a major toy company  in the USA.  I was paid by receiving toys for reviews. I did have a full time, career type job, but I was determined to get a boob enhancement. I was a very athletic B Cup girl but I wanted more……for me!  I needed additional income so I started as a cam model. Camming was good, right from the beginning but I desperately needed more money to achieve my goal, in a reasonable time.

I did extensive research on the adult industry, went through many of the online opportunities......looking for the right fit. It became apparent that I needed an agent, who would steer me in the right direction and had viable contacts.

My agent

I eventually came across "Max", a veteran of the porn world as an agent. He was realistic and seemed to also care for my well-being and my situation. I did not want to become a porn "star" but really a porn talent. Max said I would probably want to change my perspective once I other issue was that I lived in the Northeast, approximately 3,000 from LA. 

Max's plan was that he would try to line up some shoots over a period of days, that I should plan on spending at least 10 days, and that he would line up interviews with producers he works with. He said he could arrange for me to stay with a client couple, and he would attempt to help with my airfare. He told me the couple he wanted me to stay with, that she had boob implants the year before and she probably would be able to direct me to her surgeon. This resulted after innumerable emails and phone calls. I sent him some of my cam clips......all solo. 

The next step was to prepare

Then I waited.......very little communication other than “he was working on it”. Finally he emailed me, said we are all set.....make plans to leave on a Sunday and stay for 10 days, I got the date and ready to go, sorta......

What to bring? Since I had been camming, I had sexy outfits from camming, but for porn, other than nudity, I was at a loss…..

He said sexy lingerie was great and an outfit to wear for the interviews, for the “go sees”.

He suggested that the needed STD test be obtained right before I left. He gave me the name of the adult industry lab in Sherman Oaks, I contacted them, set up a performers account, and I could have my blood drawn relatively locally, allowing enough time for the sample to reach LA and be processed. Of course, providing ID and paperwork. Max explained that I would get a performer number, that the producers and other talents could use to also verify my status. Actually, easier than I anticipated.

At the time, blood tests were valid for 28 days, now it is two weeks or less for porn.

Max asked me if I was on reliable contraception, and said I had an IUD.

LA here we come!

I made the trip on a late September Sunday afternoon. My anxiety level was off the charts, second guessing the entire venture. Max told me innumerable times that I was a natural, that I should do well. It helped that he told me the amount I would be getting paid for some of the scheduled shoots. All felt good.....but still....I was anxious.

Max had previously asked innumerable questions about my sex life, number of partners? Girls and guys? Am I multi-orgmastic? Are my “O’s” clitoral or vaginal? Both? Was I on reliable birth control? My limits? Relationships, GG experience? Favorite position? and so much more .......

Actually felt awkward to answer written questions about my sex life.

I arrived at LAX, Max was there and we drove to meet up with “Ann” and “Jeff”.  They were both extremely engaging, just loved the work and their lives. Max had a shoot scheduled for the next day, Ann was not working that week, she had agreed to accompany me, for support and transportation.

After a quick lunch, we all went to Ann and Jeff’s apartment. More discussion, Max kinda laid out the week, he left and the three of us continued to talk. Ann showed me her boobs, they were awesome!  She had been in contact with her doctor's office, and she anticipated an appointment for me,during the week.

My new friends

I went to bed, eventually, again just “thinking “, I had a vibe to relax, but then I heard Ann and Jeff enjoying themselves then quiet and a knock on my bedroom door……Ann asked if "I wanted to join them?"

I was up in a second, I was wearing a T……Jeff was lying in bed, fully aroused, he probably was at least 7” !  Jeff said that this was his last night to play, as he agreed to three days of abstinence prior to his next shoot so he could produce a larger cum.

I relaxed, totally enjoyed the experience. I just let myself go, we had about an hour of primal, ruckus fucking!  They said I should do great, just be myself and try to tune out the distractions. The three of us bonded, we are still friends. I saw them four times since, including the eventual LA visit for my boob surgery. 

The first shoot

The following morning, I was just so ready.......Ann drove me to the set, she had worked with this producer and introduced me to some of the other talents. I met the guy I would be working with, talked for a few minutes, the producer chose an outfit, I brought a few, worked on my makeup then I had some "private time", a time to warm up. Ann was so helpful, suggesting toys, I brought a few to the set. Ann said she had worked with the male talent before, he knows I'm new, he is a great guy, and I should have fun.....

The shoot itself was easier than the anticipation, after all it was "just sex" with interruptions and intrusive spectators. I did learn from subsequent shoots, to kinda watch the guys to try and detect arousal, a  key to my performance. This initial shoot sure helped my confidence and was all in! Ann said "I did it"! I'm on my way! Another shoot followed, later..... no problems, a fun experience.

It was positive that my first experience was on set with other talents......I had the opportunity to talk to the other talents. Almost all were willing to share. My negative, is that at least some chemistry with the male talent would be helpful.  It's awkward to meet the guy's cock first!

More shoots and go sees

The remainder of the week was similar, shoots, and "go sees".......the "go sees" we're not at all as portrayed in porn. Performing was not expected, the focus was seeing my body.......looking for stretch marks, ink, piercings, and blemishes. The guys wanted to see my pubic area, I haven’t had pubic hair since I was about 17. I was totally smooth, one guy asked if I would consider growing a bush, I just said, “I really never thought about it”.

I do have my clitoral hood pierced, I have a vertical stainless steel bar inserted……personally, I love the feel. Some asked about it when I was asked to spread my pussy lips…….

The “go sees” became routine. I started wearing a black pencil skirt, initially borrowed from Ann, black G string, white top, sometimes no bra. 

I brought heels in my gym bag…….I call them stripper heels, I wear sneakers. 

No time was I asked to perform or interact sexually with anyone. The closest was a guy who moved my hand to crotch, and asked for a “rub”. I just moved away and said “later” Surprise, he did email Max and said he’d do a shoot  with me. Never happened though....

That time of the month...

Periods are real, a talent is expected to work through her period. Sea sponges are great, but I have seen models using makeup sponges, not a good idea!  Working while impaired, either by alcohol or drugs, including Marijuana is not tolerated. Girls are usually terminated on the spot!

I'm using parts of my initial blog for recall......I since deleted my blog, as I didn't want to be so "out there"! porn work worthwhile?  

I would have to say, Yes!  I made decent money, enjoyed the experience, and was probably addicted.......can't relocate to LA or LV but I have picked up a few shoots in NJ and Baltimore. Would love something in the NYC area, but haven't found the "fit"! 

Can't say my boob enhancement has hurt me any, in either my self confidence or in adult work. I'm now a 34D cup. Probably would have gone bigger, but the protector cups for sports bras only go to D. Don't want an implosion in the ring,lol!



12 Likes 10 Comments
Thank you for sharing!
Well-written! Good stuff
good luck
good luck
I'm new and need an agey
Thanks for sharing this. It looks like you found a legitmate agent. Most of the scenes I I did in porn I found on my own. Wasn't really interested in agents, though I did sign up with World Modeling. It was the major porn agency at the time and legit. No longer around, though. The guy who ran it passed away, so not sure if that had anything to do with it. Only got 2 jobs from them, both photo work that went well. Being naturally busty, I cannot connect with getting breast enhancements, though if there's a way to uplift them without surgery I may do that lol.
I really want to join porn too! Smiley ;)
It’s difficult to break into (
Awsome read!
Looking for a job I'm in a nasty divorce but I have always wanted to do porn

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