Tristan published: How to become a porn star
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There are several reasons why someone chooses to become a porn star. Some do it because it has always been a dream to make movies for adults, but for most it will be for financial reasons. Of course, the key question is how you can actually become a porn star. What are the things that you need to know or that you need to take into account? 

In this article you will learn more about how to get involved in the porn industry, among other things.

The first steps into the adult industry

Are you sure that you want to be a porn actor or actress? Then it is important to look for a reliable agency and a company that is producing porn movies. You can only find out whether a company is reliable or not by doing some research on the internet or by going through the various review sites (or to ask here on WePornstars of course), which focus on companies involved in producing adult video material. The most important reviews are of course the ones by other porn actors.

After having selected a company, it is important that you register as an porn actor and or actress and hope that you will be called for an intake interview or an introductory meeting. It's good to know that female actors are more likely to be hired for a role in a movie than male actors. There are thousands of men eager for a role in a porn movie, but the need for female actors in the porn industry is many times greater than the male actors.

When do I have to work?

It is interesting for a starting porn actor and or actress to know how long the recordings of a film can take. How much time does it take, how many hours or days should I work? The number of hours and or days on which you have to perform once you have been hired as a porn actor and or actress is entirely up to you. 

Most porn talents indicate in advance a number of days in a month when they are available for work. For example, you can say from the 1st till the 10th of September. The agents book all the scenes on those set days for the month. However, some girls only work on Mondays and some girls work from Monday through Friday every day of the week but don't work on weekends. 

When you want to work, therefore, depends entirely on you. You set your own days in advance with your agent and you can also change them at any time by simply picking up the phone and calling your agent.

Do I need to live in LA?

Although most porn scenes are filmed in Los Angeles, it doesn't necessarily mean that you should actually settle there. In North America, there are also active producers in Las Vegas, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, New York, San Francisco, some parts of Virginia and Arizona, and a few spots in Canada.

Not every porn star lives in LA. About half live there, but the other half just travel from time to time. Porn is not a full time job. People typically work 10 days a month, then fly to LA to work and then go home. So if you don't want to live in LA, don't worry - you don't have to. You can come out and stay in a model home during your time in LA, Las Vegas, or Florida (depending on where you work) and then fly back to your real home and live a normal life for the rest of the month.

Do I need big boobs?

As a porn actress you don't especially need big boobs to get a part in one of the many porn movies. While it is true that many pornstars have big fake boobs, not all of them have. Tastes differ. There are men who like big boobs, others who enjoy small boobs and still others who don't care at all as long as there are boobs. If you have large, natural breasts, you will probably have a lot of work to book. There is a big call for girls with big real tits.

Do I need a very big cock? 

Many men think that they need a very big cock to play a role as a porn actor. It doesn’t need to be horse size big, but you probably need to have something that is bigger than average (unless it is a movie for the small penissses niche). You will notice that there is actually no rule for this, but if you are not 7 or 8 inches you will find it hard to find a job.

You don’t have to have sex with everybody

Starting porn actors also want to know if they are required to have sex with anyone. Especially the female actors want to know if they are obliged to have sex with anyone, including men who they might not like. In the porn industry you are under no obligation. You can indicate in advance with whom or which type of men you do not like to share the bed. You do not have to give a reason why you choose a specific bed partner or not. All a pornstar has to do is add a name to her list, give it to her agent. The agent will never book her in a scene with anyone on her list.

Do I need special skills like dancing?

Many porn actors wonder if they need to have special skills like exotic dancing to get a part in a porn movie. The answer is a simple no, you don't have to be an exotic dancer to act in a porn movie.

You also don't need to have experiences as an escort or a sugar baby to become a porn star. No doubt you will be asked to become an escort more often during your career, but you never have to do something you don't want to do. It is also not advisable to combine your work as a porn actress or actor with escort work. Being an escort not only opens up a whole can of legal worms, but it puts you at a much higher risk of contracting STDs.

How to get paid

As a porn star you are not an employee of a particular company, you should rather see yourself as an independent entrepreneur. You will be paid to do a job, for example. You will receive the amount after a scene in cash or you will receive it through your agent. Your agent will then collect all the money you earn while you are in town and pay you out on the day you are due to leave. Usually pornstars make that appointment with their agent in advance.

The only exception to this is if you get a “contract” with a company. While rare, certain studios still offer performance contracts, and in some cases, the paycheck is paid as if you were a typical employee — such as a weekly paycheck. Your agent can help you with those things when the time comes to sign your contract.




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