Tristan published: How can I become a male porn star?
Wizard • 765 hits male pornstar

Porn is a very challenging industry for men to break into, and it’s not as easy as it is for women. Being a man in porn is a bit depressing, as it is. There are thousands of men who would like to be in porn, but they are rarely hired.

There are certain requirements that men in porn have to meet in order to be successful. These include:

  • Being fit and looking good
  • Having a bigger than average cock
  • being able to perform in front of a lot of people
  • get hard very quickly
  • cum on command
  • having good stamina

Filming 20 minutes of porn can take several hours. This means that during these hours you should be able to have sex whenever it is asked from you. You will have to do this in different sex positions, (sometimes in the most complicated positions) so that everything can be captured on camera.

If you can’t do these tasks, then you end up costing the production a day of filming because you won’t be able to perform. This is the reason why most production companies only hire the best of the best when it comes to male porn models. 

When you apply as a man, remember that there is a very small chance that you will be selected. It’s not about being different from the thousands of men who have applied before you. It’s about understanding that there is a chance that you will be selected. Most companies only accept a very small percentage (1% to 3%) of male applicants.

How can you stand out?

To stand out, you should be good looking, fit and not too old. And yes you will need a big cock. It doesn’t have to be huge, but when you are hard and don’t have 7 inches, you are probably not going to make it in porn. You need to be in good physical shape to perform well in porn. Not only do you have to look good, but also be in good physical health. Doing so will require a lot of work and discipline.

Probably the most important part of being a good performer is having the ability to stay hard on stage and perform in front of a crowd. This is a thing that most porn stars don't realize, but it is a requirement for making a scene. You and your partner are then re-positioned and the cameras start up again. It happens again after a few minutes. This could happen for hours before the director is ready to shoot the cum shot.

Of course the different porn scenes will be filmed in front of various individuals involved in the production of porn. You can think of the camera man, producers, assistants and many more.

How does this work?

If you want to become a male talent, you should know what to do. First of all you need to find an agency or studio. You will need to sign up and take three photos of yourself. The first two are facial shots, the third one is a body shot. You can take these yourself with your phone, just make sure they are decent so that your face can be seen clearly.

Now that you have taken those photos, it’s time to fill out the application. Be sure and fill out every question because they are all important. Once the application is submitted, the porn company will review it. This is not an automated process. When an actor is needed, the applications will be reviewed.

They want me!

After you have been selected, the porn studio will contact you once you have been selected to be a part of their shoot. They will then let you know everything about the project, including what kind of shoot it will be, how much time it will take, and any special instructions.

You will need to take a STD test before you start working with anyone. Active performers do a test every two weeks. All performers are required to follow these same rules and regulations. This is to prevent other performers to get STD’s and more.

Most legitimate porn companies operate in the U.S. (LA and Las Vegas area). However, there are also studios in other parts of the world, mainly in Europe (Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic and Hungary)

While these steps may seem simple, they are only the first steps to get started. In the end, a lot of your career will be based on your first performance. If you are doing well, there is a big chance that you can get more roles for different porn movies. If you don’t, it might be the end.



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Hi I need a job.
As a female, I have seen the difficult time, guys have in porn, actually more is expected of them. They basicly have to get it up and keep it up! A challenge over long periods. .......😠

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