Tristan published: Getting into Porn, what can I expect?
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This article contains information for people who want to get into the adult industry. You will find answers to some common questions and explanations of how things work.

Do I need to have sex with the producer?

Contrary to popular belief, an audition in porn is not required. In fact, it’s a fake. If someone asks for free footage, it’s not a producer. If you’re a new porn actor, or if you’re just starting out, then a Go-See is usually a requirement. There are a lot of people who apply for roles with deceptive photos, and it can be very costly to set up a shoot without an actress who looks exactly like you.

What is a “Go See”?

A go see is basically where an aspiring actor or actress goes to get in touch with a producer or director so they can see if they are right for the job. This is because, typically, people send in fake or edited pictures so they can get away with casting others. Most production companies in LA require a go see before they hire someone. This procedure usually involves showing up for a meeting with several people and getting naked in front of them. This doesn’t mean that you will have to do a sex performance or that you need to have sex with the team. If you have sex, then you will get paid. Don’t work for free!

Be nice and smile. Remember to ask for work if they will book you for a few scenes. Sometimes, when you are being considered for a part, you might have to read a few lines for that part. When going to a show, make sure that you put in the effort and show up with a great attitude. 

Will I get to know the other people that I’m going to shoot with? 

It would be very unprofessional if a studio asked you to have sex with a total stranger, even if they told you otherwise. They go through elaborate steps to make sure the shots look as planned. They don’t just wing it. 

When working with professional organizations, you will never be asked to have sex with someone you don’t want to have sex with. In most cases, people and or agencies won’t ask for a reason why you won’t have sex with them.

How do I get assignments as a porn actor? 

One of the questions starters in the porn industry asks themselves is how they will get assignments. It is good to know that the hardest part of becoming a porn actor is getting assignments. Especially for men. For many, the road to porn stardom stops here. Because it is often not clear how to start and the few possibilities that people get are overrun by thousands of other signups. As a man the chance is small that you will stand out among all the requests that these casting agencies receive every day. For women it is easier to get accepted by an agency.

If you prefer to share your skills from home, it is possible to share your amateur porn via tube sites, like They have a special section for amateurs who upload and you can even earn money from it. Ask your girlfriend or sex partner if she would like to join these amateur porn movies. The public likes couples having sex. When you have managed to reach a small audience in this way, you can switch to solo films or other adventures. This is a way in which you can not only get paid immediately but also reach a large audience. 

What are the benefits of being a porn star?

There are many reasons why people get into the adult industry. One of the most common reasons is due to the fast, (but not always easy) money that comes with being in the industry. 

There has always been a long history of porn stars wanting to pursue a career in the industry due to their passion for sex and adventure. However, as society has become more sex-positive, more women are now opting to do sex films in order to increase their visibility.

One of the main reasons women do pornography is due to the empowerment. While traditionally, men were the ones who were in charge of making sure that women were represented in the movies, these days, women have more freedom and have more power when it comes to making films.




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